The good supplier of Vietnamese cashewnut kernels

Cashew nut factory
We are cashew nut factory located in Binh phuoc Viet Nam

Various packing from 0.5kg to 1kg to 5kgs to 10ksg to 11.34 kgs to 22.68 kgs / bag

Loading In Factory

Loading In Factory

Loading In Factory

process and loading container
process and loading container
process and loading container
Thermal Fumigate Machine
Sealing Chain Machine
Autobalance Quantitation Machine
Cashew kernel WW
Cashew kernel WW
Cashew kernel WW
process and loading container

Ppc ww240

Ww240 ppc

vietnam cashew

vietnam cashew

VietNam Cashew Kernels

VietNam Cashew ww240

VietNam Cashew ww210

VietNam Cashew

Tins packing


VietNam Cashew nut





Cashew Nut WW210

Cashew Nut tin box

Cashew Nut

process and loading container